Functional Wellness platform to put your Health Strategy at the palm of your hand! Get your FREE Assessment!

A program that fits your needs!

Similarly designed to make physical and mental care accessible, engaging, and easy. So how is Symmio different from all the other health apps you've seen? The starters, we focus on the total picture of your health movement analysis, nutritional awareness, sleep wellness and behavioral health


MSK health determines whether or not your patients can sit at a desk, play 18 holes comfortably, run a marathon, or just get out of bed without aches, pains, injury, or illness. Research tells us that injury risk is multi-factorial - the more factors you stack on top of each other, the higher the risk for injury. Symmio evaluates and considers multiple research- validated factors simultaneously to accurately identify and categorize individuals at greatest risk. Determining the level of risk is the first step in recognizing who needs help, and at which level of care.