Coach Bill is a Health & Human Performance Coach with over 25 years of experience in the utility business working with Industrial and Office Athletes! Coach Bill is making an IMPACT not only in the Industrial/Office setting, but he has over 30 years of experience being a successful Basketball Coach IMPACTING athletes' lives. Coach Bill strives to be the best Coach he can be. He helps others create their journey to long term health and well-being. Get ready finding your light and becoming the Lighthouse our world truly needs!
Team 212 Training and Shoot 360 are hosting a 4 Week Virtual Mindset to Build the Unstoppable Athlete! Each Mindset Workout will be 45 minutes in length! This 4-week Mindset Workout will give the athlete the tools to overcome those mental barriers that keep them from becoming Unstoppable! The perfect Workout for In-Season!!Read More
Coach Bill will lead you through 5-week Mindset Performance Workout built specifically to help the Industrial Athlete Get Their Minds Right! Coach Bill will help you gain unshakeable focus and confidence to keep you Safe on the Job! This is intended for Physical Workers out in industrial setting to be able to develop tools to trigger from a low to a high state of mind to keep themselves and their co-workers safe each day!Read More
Pillars to Success! Use our Roadmap to reduce your MSK injuries and improve your Health Strategy through our 4 Pillars to Health.
Learn MoreCoach = Care + Time Coach Bill take Industrial Athletes, Athletes, Coaches and Parents through Mindset workouts to Get Their Minds Right! Coach Bill will meet you where you are at in your Mindset journey and take you to the next level of confidence! He focuses on tools to help manage S.A.D. (Stress. Anxiety, Deterioration) Learn more...Click here to listen to a Mindful Moment!
Learn MoreFunctional Wellness platform to put your Health Strategy at the palm of your hand! Get your FREE Assessment!
Similarly designed to make physical and mental care accessible, engaging, and easy. So how is Symmio different from all the other health apps you've seen? The starters, we focus on the total picture of your health movement analysis, nutritional awareness, sleep wellness and behavioral health
MSK health determines whether or not your patients can sit at a desk, play 18 holes comfortably, run a marathon, or just get out of bed without aches, pains, injury, or illness. Research tells us that injury risk is multi-factorial - the more factors you stack on top of each other, the higher the risk for injury. Symmio evaluates and considers multiple research- validated factors simultaneously to accurately identify and categorize individuals at greatest risk. Determining the level of risk is the first step in recognizing who needs help, and at which level of care.
Take your FREE Functional Wellness Assessment!
How do you fuel your body for an Unstoppable Mind & Body? Keep it simple! We only carry 6 products as it's what you need for your long-term health management strategy! At checkout use this discount code to receive 15% off all your orders!! 15% Discount Code: BILL15
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